About Us

11 October 2011

Established under the Destination NSW Act 2011 as the lead Government agency for the NSW tourism and major events sector, Destination NSW’s charter is to achieve economic and social benefits for the people of NSW through the development of tourism and the securing of major events.

Destination NSW is a Public Service Executive Agency governed by a Board of Management and is subject to the control and direction of the Minister for Tourism and Major Events. It is principally funded by the NSW Government and is part of a cluster of agencies under the responsibility of the cluster Secretary.

Our Role

Destination NSW is the lead agency, champion and voice for the visitor economy within the NSW Government. Spearheading a whole-of-government approach to visitor economy growth, Destination NSW is responsible for leading the delivery of the NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030 in partnership with government and industry. Destination NSW influences and shapes the visitor economy through strategic research, policy and thought leadership, stakeholder engagement and consultation, commercial partnerships and investment in visitor experiences, business support, marketing and events. Destination NSW is also the major investor in Business Events Sydney (BESydney) for the purpose of securing more international and domestic conventions, incentive travel reward programs, corporate events and exhibitions for Sydney and regional NSW.

Our Vision

For NSW to be the premier visitor economy in the Asia Pacific by 2030.

Our Mission

To deliver economic and social benefits to the people of NSW by growing the visitor economy.

Our Strategic Pillars

  1. Road to recovery
  2. Build the brand
  3. Showcase our strengths
  4. Invest in world-class events
  5. Facilitate growth

More Information

Strategies and Plans

Our Structure

Our Board

Destination NSW Act 2011.